Monday, August 31, 2009

The Winner's Exclusivity

The Winner, believer in exclusivity, and champion of faithfulness decided she was going to show me a thing or two.   She and I had not talked for some time, and when she got on the phone, her mood was subdued.  Our conversation previous to this had ended with her in tears and me refusing to give in to her demands.   Therefore, I was not surprised to hear her acting less than happy with me.  I began talking to her, telling her how I witnessed the drunkest girl I have ever seen, and how someone I know had proceeded to get this girl's number while her knees bled from multiple wounds suffered from multiple falls.  She reported that she had gotten pretty drunk also, and she had done other stuff she wasn't proud of. 

I asked what she meant.  She said she got hammered, smoked weed, and then fooled around with some guy.  A few weeks ago, she told me how she was never going to drink again after watching how her parents had behaved under the influence of alcohol, citing her aversion to following in their footsteps.  I asked her about why she changed her mind, and furthermore, why she proceeded to take it too far, like past just a buzz and into hammered.  Then I was curious as to why she felt like smoking weed would augment her experience. 

I have never done any of that, so I wanted to know, to gain perspective, and to see life through her eyes.  She told me that she did it because she was mad at me and wanted to "not care." She told me she felt guilty about what she had done. I don't care, and I don't know if I buy that, the interesting thing about all this was my new perspective.

I have a few friends who I talk nasty with every now and then; relationships that are organic.  The Winner is the only girl who I have declared and felt more deep intimate emotions with.  When my ex told me, while we were still dating, that she had cheated on me, I knew it before she told me.  I just knew.  I knew her, I knew what she was, and it was clear. With The Winner, I knew what she did once she said she got wasted.  I didn't know how far it went, but I knew what had happened. 

I felt slightly betrayed.  I felt like she had said something to me and then did another.  Strange, that after crying and yelling at me about how she needed someone to care for her, she would do that.  I don't blame her, because she did what she wanted, and I practically told her to go fuck with someone else.  I just don't like how I felt, I don't like that I briefly revisited my feelings of inadequacy from long ago.  I guess I am not as smart as I would have guessed, and she's not as true as she might have seemed. 

Thursday, August 27, 2009

On Jealousy, Cheating, Exclusivity,

I was having a conversation with the Winner.  She was telling me that she thinks dude on dude action is hot.  As disturbing as I find the idea personally, I played the game and asked her if she was telling me she wanted to watch me with a dude. She said yes, that she did enjoy the idea of watching some man receive it from me.  

Now, a brief side bar before I continue,  The Winner is under the delusional notion that we are in an exclusive relationship.  I have told her we aren't, I have reminded her as best as I can we aren't, but she persists nonetheless.  Also, how does it make sense that people think it's ok for their partner to do sexual things with someone of the same sex?  If a girl kisses a girl, despite what songs say to the opposite, most men I know wouldn't care, they might applaud it.  And this girl just said she would also applaud it to watch me do something sexual with a member of my gender.  How does the sexual orientation of the act make it not only forgivable, but celebrated?  Logically, getting head from a man is the same as getting it from a woman.  If someone can offer a sound argument for why this is ok, I would appreciate it.

Back to the story.  I told her that I think it would be sexy to watch her with another guy.  She immediately freaked and a conversation ensued about how I didn't care about her, because no one who cared about someone else could watch something like that.   I brought up the admission she had made 30 seconds prior regarding watching me with someone else, and she said it wasn't the same.  The conversation was carried on for hours.  A friend of mine and fellow blogger ran into some jealous-ish issues lately, and I got inspired to write my thesis.

When I dated my ex, at the wise age of 17, I was a jealous boyfriend.  I did not tell her so, I did not let her know that I cared about where she went or who she might talk to.  I kept it all inside.  My mother had convinced me that infidelity was the reason for my parents' divorce when I was 6.  This isn't the truth, but I feared that my relationship could be dissolved by the same thing.  Additionally, my gf had actually cheated on a bf of hers with me as the other guy, so I knew she was capable.  

For months I lived in fear: Fear that she would find someone who would be better sexually than me.  I am an incredible catch for any woman, but I doubted myself sexually.  I was inexperienced, especially compared to her, and worried about it.  I gave into the fears that she was dating down, that I wasn't as pretty as her.  I was worried often.  

Eventually, she cheated.  I knew what was going on while it was going on, and when she admitted it to me the next day, I wasn't surprised.  We eventually broke up, and I was alone while she was with the cheatee (sic?). In the four months between the split and her coming back crying to take her back, I learned a lot, maybe one of the greatest growth periods of my life.  I thought, "All I did for her, all I was, none of it mattered, she still cheated."  I suppose many people feel like this, some people are right to think they were incredible, some aren't, but I was right (she told me so later). 

That thought is the crux of jealousy, of cheating, of all of it.  You can see cheating as your fault, ie "I wasn't good enough, that's why she cheated.  I will never measure up well enough," or you can see "No matter what I did, she cheated, therefore, she is the failure." Those are the facts of cheating, of exclusive boundaries.  People cheat.  I spent 22 months with a girl who I gave to boundlessly.  She cheated.  She was the lonely one, she was the broken one, she was the scared one, and I was just the sucker that made her go longer than anyone else without doing it.  

Relationships are voluntary activities.  If you don't want to be with me, then I hope you will be a strong enough person to live your life.  Exclusive relationship boundaries are superfluous and unnecessary in a relationship between two honest and courageous people.  Think about the first month or two of any great relationship: the swooping heart, the endless idiotic smiling, the junior high conversations of who should go to sleep first.  No exclusivity is declared because none is needed!  You couldn't imagine wanting anyone else except that man in front of you, end of story, leave it at that. 

But the romance fades, the discovery and growth that existed at the beginning fizzles, and now you are left with this person... 

"We are exclusive. You only kiss and sex (insert particular rules here) with me, and I only whatever with you." Another sidebar on this thought- Where does emotional infidelity fall? I have connected far more deeply with people I have never touched than with some people I had sex with, and isn't that the betrayal of cheating, connection? The idea that you might connect with someone better than with your significant other, physically? And if sex is an expression of emotional intimacy, as it is supposed to be, and that sex can be had as a mindless superficial experience not involving any closeness, then wouldn't it seem that emotional intimacy, which cannot be faked or done mindlessly, is the greater betrayal, the truer hurt and infidelity?  Yet people do not consider it cheating when a woman has a great deep talk with her friend (be it man, woman, or gay).  

Back to the point, the locks are on, the path is fenced in, no longer is it a relationship of choice, but a relationship of obligation.  You go to the party for her little sister because you have to.  You go to see him at his house because you're his girlfriend, despite your desire to go out to the bars with your friends.  You go on dates because you think they want to, and they are thinking the same thing you are: "I wish I was at home watching a movie with my friends right now instead of here talking past someone I'm really sick of right now."  Your life has become not yours, but someone else's.  You resent the relationship, which leads to resentment of your partner, the manifest of that hindrance of your life.  Instead of hating yourself for giving up who you are to be who you think they want, you hate them and say they are making you do it.  You cheat, you break up, whatever.  The very arrangement that you put in place to protect your love destroyed it. 

Let's play with some hypotheticals here.  If a person were rated on a datability scale from 1-10, with 10 being the best, think what you have to have in order to leave your partner for them. We will refer to this number as the F.  This is more than just what it would take to have sex with them, it's more general than that, but you can apply that too. If I am dating Jenna exclusively, and Tammy, who is a 7 comes into my life, I am not allowed to date her.   The fact that I can't date her ups her rank to about an 7.5 (some people will see more of an increase due to the forbidden fruit thing).  Let's assume I think girls need an F of 8.  Jenna is an 8, at least, but doesn't want me to go spend time with Tammy because we are exclusive. 

But if I had gone on the date, I would have seen that Tammy is only a 7, and I wouldn't want to date her anyway.  No harm done.  However, let's say that Kelly is a 9.  Kelly thinks I got mad funny jokes, and wants to hang out.  Forbidden fruit factoring in, as well as me getting tired of Jenna nagging at me for flirting, and suddenly, I leave Jenna for Kelly.  This is a little scientific for laughs, but you see that if it takes a certain quality person to leave your current partner, then your relationship is not going to protect you from that person leaving.  Trust me, they will leave regardless.  

What exclusive relationships do is handicap people.  They limit their life.  I may have become great friends with Tammy, made a good business contact, learned something really fascinating, but I did not have that chance.  That breeds resentment. People have a right to do what they want, to explore life, to go Dead Poets Society on it.  Any attempt to limit their natural rights to pursue their happiness will breed resentment. If Jenna and I were not exclusive, I could have spent time with any of the three woman, and made a decision, a decision to leave Jenna for Kelly or not to.  Jenna would have the same opportunities, and the relationship, as well as the decisions about it regarding the people in it, would have been fair and would have been informed. 

The greatest thing of a relationship is it allows us to share life with someone.  We can tell them the crazy shit that happened to us that day, advise them not to let their landlord fuck them over like we were fucked over, to comfort them in their grief.  So, why not tell someone to live their life in the way they want, and to agree to do the same, and then you can experience all the wonderful things they do when you sit down over dinner and relate the stories to each other? How you felt, what you thought, the laughter, the shock, the sadness, whatever!!  Now you are experiencing the discovery all over again.  The freshness, the newness, the virgin territory, the pure longing to be around one another because you cannot get something so great anywhere else.  It's back, and you have created it by living honestly, you go to the wedding because you love watching her make fun of her brother-in-law, you skip girls night out because listening to him talk about that shed he built reminds you of the passion he has that made you love him from day one.  Now you are with a person, not in a relationship.  You are living naturally in the space of existing, and everything else is just bullshit.  You get to make the first two weeks last as long as you want, and you get to learn more than you ever thought you could: about yourself, about the things you never saw, about things you saw but didn't realize.  Grow exponentially, and face things you thought were impossible, all while doing it in the company of someone you care illogically about.

People don't do that.  They are scared, scared of themselves.  Scared that the inadequacies and worthlessness they hold will betray them. Scared that the person will get to know you and that weird clicking noise your jaw makes when you eat, and they will leave. They are scared that if they don't have a bf/gf, they will have to spend an evening alone with the person they hate the most: the one in the mirror.  They want someone to hold, to relieve them of their loneliness, to fill the void in their heart.  Exclusive relationships exist for security, for safety.  Like tape, fencing, nets: they keep the relationship contained and together, but they also trap you. They make you take drastic measures to leave, they make you waste countless breaths in a place you are unhappy in.  Exclusive relationships are the structures we build for ourselves; the result of walling out perceived unhappiness, walling in the person that you "cannot live without", and winding up alone in a dark cell with those walls keeping you company. 

The fear is jealousy. Think about when an animal attacks another animal.  Apart from food needs, the only reason this happens is for protection.  Protecting your young, your food, your habitat, your claim to a potential mate, etc.  Attacks and aggression are the actions taken to protect your species' survival, the very core of evolutionary behavior.  Jealousy is no different. A person is scared, scared of all those things they think will happen if a person breaks up with them. Some people take it farther than others, and some people are left silently suffering every day with demons that torment them to tears.  "I am not worth enough for this person to stay with me, and if they leave, I will be alone, and they will be happy with someone else. If they leave, that means I am the inadequate one. They mean more to me than I do to them, I have to make them stay with me.  They cannot look at anyone else, they cannot talk to anyone else, I will aggressively move to protect my interests here."

Sounds pretty primitive and animalistic, because that's exactly what it is. Anyone who has experienced a jealous person has most likely tried repeatedly to reassure them of their value, that you don't want anyone else, that they know better.  Nothing you can say will change their mind. Nothing.  Their emptiness is a black hole for your affection, and the only person who can fix it is them.  I am reminded of a song by a favorite artist of mine, I recommend you listen. Unfortunately, the more they admit their jealousy, the more you want to go have sex/pursue intimacy with someone else.  You lose respect for them, the imagined power/attractiveness gradient they see becomes a reality, and you set out to find someone who you aren't with because you pity them.   Again, the things they have put in place to make sure you stay with them are the things that drive you away, despite your best intentions to the contrary.

I have been that guy, the guy who said those things.  I have been the one who had to realize that she cheated because she wanted to, not because I had failed.  Now I have become the one to hear that I am too good for her, that she'll never find anyone like me.  I have seen this from both angles.  People's inadequacies motivate their self-doubt, which motivates their desire for company and surety, which motivates their need for exclusivity, which leads to resentment from partners, which leads to the end of relationships, which leads to further feelings of inadequacies.  The cycle is self-reinforcing and perpetual, like an avalanche of fear and hopelessness. The only way to stop it is to break the chain, and they have to do this themselves: they cannot be saved from the poison they brew.  

To be clear, I believe in marriage, exclusive marriage. I am talking about boyfriend girlfriend type relationships in the sense that most people think of.  Discourse is always welcomed. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

HNT: School Days

School.  It began, I wrote about some stuff.  I decided to see what I would look like with the necessary components, meaning only my backpack.  

Career Opportunities 3

I was supposed to meet SL and go with her to a party she was throwing as her security.  She didn't show.  I called her number to see what was up, and her roommate/lackey answered.  Roommate lackey said SL had tried to get in touch with me, to no avail, and that she had left.  I was irate, to say the least.  I checked all possible places, and no contact had been attempted. 

I sent a message to SL asking her what the fuck was up.  She responded by saying she was sorry, some things had happened, etc. etc.  I told her it was really frustrating, because the money she was going to pay would be sorely missed.

She quickly suggested that if it was money I wanted, she would just pay me the money and I could go on my way.  Here's where it gets strange...

Roommate lackey is a girl that is around my age, who SL felt sorry for, due to the history of abuse and neglect she had suffered.  SL also has a son who is about to start junior high.  SL suggested that I go get the money from her son, at her house.  

Uhhhhhh.  What?

She told me that I could just go get it from her son, as he knew the combination to her safe.  Now, I am still mad at this point, and I just want the money.  So I tell her I'm not going to pick up hundreds of dollars in cash from her son, it's just a bad thing, it's bad.  And not that I am the most holy or best of decision makers, but who puts their kid in that place?

I suggested that the kid give the money to Roommate, who could then meet me and give it to me.  What ensued can best be described as an arrangement of epic, weird, awkward, and unfortunate.  I didn't get my money, but I was at one point talking to the kid on yahoo, while speaking to the Roomate on the phone, while SL texted me.   

I found out that Roommate caused damage to SL's classic muscle car, then kid told SL that Roommate had been coming into his room every night for the past month while he slept. SL set up a sting to find out what was up, caught Roommate trying to do it again, and literally beat her up: black eye, broken nose, patches of hair ripped out

The Roommate said that she just enjoyed cuddling with the prepubescent boy, and didn't see anything wrong with it, despite her history of sexual abuse from a young age.  Oh, and Roommate had once propositioned me for sex, and I asked her about STD's (a smart move, I think).  She told me she had the following: "Hep. C., Genital Warts, and a few Crabs once".


This is one of the strangest things I have taken part in over the past few months.  I don't even know what to say about it. 

Monday, August 24, 2009

Jesus Christ of Academia

This morning, I went to my first class of the semester, a 400-level course taught by the department head. As a senior I am used to the constant tirades and worshipping of a course by the prof:  Philosophy professors with their Master's telling me all sciences owe their start to Philosophy, Psychology professors claiming to be the actors in the hardest and noblest of sciences, Business teachers saying, "You will fail this class if you do no read the text. This isn't math class."  All these egocentric bastards believe their course/science trumps the others.  Call it a knowledge of the deepest parts of the subject bias, or a JOB PRESERVATION sales pitch, the bullshit abounds day 1. 

This morning I was in for a special treat when I got my fill of this, along with a constant reminder that we are "adults" and will be treated as such.  "If you are a point short, then you are a point short, no grace, no mercy: fairness for everyone."  "I have never been accused of being nice."

I'm sorry, where in this superfluous waste of my time did I get treated like an adult? I have been part of the "real world" for 3 years now (obviously not in school, because no one treats that like the real world) in various jobs and roles.  Adults get grace, adults get mercy, if you are 1 dollar short on a payment of over 400 dollars, that 100 extra pennies gets forgotten, or you can get away with it.   Adults don't get policies explained to them; with the how's and why's of their existence.  Adults are told the rules, and they deal with it.  Adults do not have to sit in a room with 39 other adults and finish the sentences of a neurotic fuzzball in a jcpenney suit (honestly? invest some of the 6 digit salary and go to Men's Wearhouse at the very least, you should be professional) while being reminded that their failure to read the text will result in a failing grade, despite previous knowledge to the contrary. 

It's a 400-level class.  We had to jump through hoops to get here, we understand it won't be "given to us like our cars."  That school had become something so diluted and corporate made him sick, and he was going to train us to change it.  If someone is cheating in this class, you tell someone, or else your "A" isn't worth as much.  Who the fuck does this guy think he is?

"And he came to the place that was the lectern, and there he took up the cross on which he was to be sacrificed.  As his tormentors scorned and beat him with whips of ignorance and naivety, he asked the fathers to forgive them: 'Locke, Voltaire, Aristotle! Let their burden of inexcusable stupidity be not a burden, for I have come to lay myself down so they may escape the horrors of their inexplicable ineptitude!' As the bells rang, as the grounds flourished with life, he gave his so they may better know knowledge."
Ph. D. 5:9-11

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Career Opportunities 2

The woman I mentioned in a previous post, the Exotic Dancer, who from now on will just be SL, and I have been in discussion.  A friend of mine had talked to me about modeling, like nude or close to, so I was telling SL about it. She asked to see a picture or two, both of which came from this blog.  She liked one so much she offered to pay me for it, to blow it up, frame it, and hang it in her house.  

She had mentioned previously, during the Sugar Momma discussion, that her arm candy often models for her because she has a professional camera and obviously an appetite for naked men on her walls.  I just told her that she should do it right and take pictures with her camera, and I would bring the outfit in question.   She agreed, and is offering to pay me an unreasonable amount of money to do this.  So I have to accept this contract.  More on this as it develops.

SL told me when she goes to dance for private parties (bachelor parties, corporate parties, friendly homoerotic get togethers), she requires an escort come with her.  The customers foot the bill, and she has to pay someone, so she says she will pay me.  My job description involves being a security presence, telling pervy boys to keep their hands off, and making sure her music is playing right.  I get to watch a hot stripper for free, and get paid cash for it.  Dream job right? 
I am concerned that should an actual real threat arise, I would not be equipped to protect myself or her.  That seems worrisome, as do the late hours, the explanations and lies I would have to offer to my parents, and the ever real threat of me continuing down a road of psychological fuckedupness. 

Wow.  What a life. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

HNT: 76" in Landscape

Changing lightbulbs, a lack of well-fitting clothes, an undesirable fit in a bed.  Being 6'4" is not all glamorous, it's unfortunate and uncomfortable when you're in a queen sized bed and still have to curl your leg to fit.  Can't stretch out, can't do anything fun.  California King is obviously my only option.   I muted the colors  a little, like the touch.

Erin Andrews.... Wow?

I speak for all men, everywhere, when I say Erin Andrews is ferociously hot.  Burn the barn down with her microphone and sexytexassize hair.  I didn't look, or try to find her naked stuff, I got more respect than that.  But, when I heard she was in GQ magazine, I had to check it out.  You can look at the link with more pictures, but this one does it for me. 

The mud, the football pants, the wife beater, a little stomach showing, the HAIR. Sweet Jesus the hair.  This is a wet dream if I've ever seen one.  Wow. WOW. 

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Career Opportunities

I recently met a stripper. She's in her early 30's, lives near me, and is pretty cool.  Oh, and she's not all strung out on drugs, nor is she trashy.  She basically has proposed a sugar momma relationship between she and I.  What in the world am I supposed to say to that? 

More on this later, but she did tell me I could make a lot of money dancing at bachelorette parties.  I wouldn't have to get fully naked, wear a man thong, or wax my unders.  I can make 300 dollars for like a few hours of doing what I do at house parties anyway.  I'm really considering it, as I am in need of funds.  But I do worry about telling people, as they probably have a pretty negative view of the whole thing.  If any one has any comments, like what would you think if someone you were dating told you they had done something like that.

Last night, a friend of mine was showing someone else her modeling pictures.  We had been swimming all day, and told me that she wanted to shoot with me in the pictures with her. She does a lot of nude stuff, but it's like forms and shapes nude, not dirty nude.  I am excited to have a new opportunity, as I think modeling sounds fun. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

SG, Wow

I called SG on Sunday to set up a time this week we could spend together.  I had decided over the weekend to be considerate, to be more accommodating to her, to maybe show her a little affection.  We said Wednesday would be good, no set time, no appointments to schedule around (I asked), nothing.  

It's Wednesday, I text her to tell her when and where.  She laughs and goes along. 

An hour beforehand, she says she can't make it.  She has something to do at 8. 


I just responded by saying it's best she and I not hang out anymore. 

When we talked the other night, I told her she was flakey, I told her she was sketchy, and that I would give her another shot if she would just grow up.  

I cannot fathom what on earth is wrong with this girl. I've never experienced someone like her. 

People will read this and say what I have said to myself multiple times: "That bitch is crazy, and a bad deal.  Run for your life!"

This truth does not escape me.  Something about her draws me to her. It may be the physical attraction, it may be the fact that I'm crazy a little (see video), or it may be the fact that I am just so goddamn bored I can't function.  

Whatever it is.  I just want school to start.  I'm going to rush, I'm going to be meeting mad bitches, and I'm going to just forget about her.  

I'm embarrassed. (I just noticed that the middle of that word has the words bare assed in it, kind of like assumed).  I feel like I got fooled for the second time, and as George W. Bush as my witness, that's just unacceptable.

HNT: Filling-In

I didn't have my camera, so I decided I would put this one in from when I was doing the series.  It's motion in motion.

Monday, August 10, 2009

TMI Tuesday

The questions for TMI Tuesday revolve around stuff I can't always relate to.  This week is a great example.  So instead, I'ma do my own thang.

1. If I am attempting to pick up women, I know I cannot go wrong with a classic button up shirt, wool slacks, and tasteful oxfords.  I think women dig that. If that's too dressy for the venue, I prefer a pair of jeans with a t shirt.
2. I have never measured my member, and I never will.  That is knowledge one does not need to know. I cannot change it, and if it is not where I would want it to be (which, I think most men would agree on a number somewhere around 8.5-9"), then I will be burdened with the knowledge of my inadequacy.  So I would rather not know and just let it be its own thing.
3. That being said, I have some sort of turn on trying to compare myself to other men. Girls I talk nasty with can turn me on by being honest about the size of their previous partners, how each felt, and where mine compares (gasp! I have camera on my computer).
4. Following those last two thoughts, I am not worried about my inadequacies.  :">
5. I think girls should thank their lucky stars that they don't have to manage the difficulties that testicles are. Honestly, sometimes I wish they were removable, like I could just put them on when I needed them. Summer time is not a fun time for my area.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Last night

I went to a party.  SG was there.  We hung out.  Some funny stuff happened.  I made her lift her dress up and show me her ass. She kept touching my business.  Eventually we talked...

I told her I didn't want to do anything with her except hang out, and talk and get to know her.  She said that I was too cool for her, too good for her, that she couldn't understand how I would be interested in her.  I am pretty sure she's crazy, but when we started making out, I didn't care.

Making out.  It's like roller coasters, it's like hammocks, it's like cotton boyshorts.  The simple pleasures.  

Tasty. Biting, sucking lips.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The doctor told me a few weeks ago that I am displaying signs of dysthimia, a mild and long-term depression. This summer has been one day stretched out over 3 months. I wake up, work, eat lunch, work some more, eat dinner, maybe see a movie or work out, I go to sleep. Over and over. Nothing interests me, nothing pleases me, nothing gives me pleasure. The apathy is painful. I don't care, so I don't do anything; I don't do anything, so I don't care. Quite the cycle.

School will start in a few weeks. Before that happens, I hope to have quit my job and met up with a friend from out of town for a few days of something fresh. There are worse things that could be happening with me, but right now, this is unfortunate. After the doctor told me this, I tried to remember when this feeling started, what the causes might be. My job involves working for my father, doing tasks which offer no reward, either financially or emotionally. Usually they take their mental toll, as I do not like the nature of the work.

I have to quit, but it is very hard for me to do so. The loyalty I feel has kept me doing this for 5 months longer than I wished, and I am trying to get this shaken off before I start my final year of college. I do not want to do it, but no other choice has presented itself.

Monday, August 3, 2009


This should have been posted on Sunday.  Oh well.

Seven Deadly Sins

The quality of these is really starting to grind my gears. Sorry about the delay, weekend carried me away.