Wednesday, April 15, 2009

HNT: Hot Hands

The back of my hands got sunburned recently.  Only the back, as I was wearing something that covered the arm all the way to the wrist.  Funny as it is, honestly who puts sunscreen on only the back of the hand? Obviously this doofus guy should've.  I was walking around at school looking like I was wearing red gloves.  
It was a task to take this picture: playing the piano, balancing the camera, and making sure it was properly aligned.  Up until now my pictures have been a little provocative, but I have decided to remember my roots and take a more chaste snapshot.  I had to capture the sunburn hands, and piano is the only way I could think to employ them in a meaningful way. 


  1. I can see the camera strap lol. You should probably invest in a tripod, love.

    And yeah, your pictures are -- from what I've seen -- very uh ..yeah. No complaints at all of course but yeh.. I felt a little like a man with a playboy due to a few of them.

  2. I like this one: even though it shows us less of your body it shows us a little more of you!
    Happy HNT!
